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What is LinkedIn Post Inspector? How to Use it to Check and Fix Link Preview?

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Today, LinkedIn has emerged as the go-to platform for professionals seeking to build meaningful connections and expand their business networks. With its array of features designed to boost engagement, LinkedIn continues to evolve to meet the demands of its vast user base.

One such tool that holds immense value for optimizing your LinkedIn posts is the LinkedIn Post Inspector. But what exactly is it, and how can it enhance your link previews?

In this article, we will delve into the depths of the LinkedIn Post Inspector, uncover its capabilities, and explore how it can be used to optimize your link previews.

The LinkedIn Post Inspector is a valuable ally for ensuring accurate image thumbnails and fixing potential issues that hinder engagement. So, let’s dive in and unlock the potential of the LinkedIn Post Inspector to take your LinkedIn posts to new heights!

What is LinkedIn Post Inspector?

You may have heard names like, LinkedIn Open Graph Debugger, LinkedIn Share Link Validator, LinkedIn Post Link Checker, LinkedIn Preview Validator, etc. These are nothing but common alternative names for the Post Inspector.


LinkedIn Post Inspector provides more insightful data besides the fundamental engagement metrics. It offers demographic details on the audience, such as occupations, markets, and locales. With this data, you can determine the demographics of your target audience. And personalize your content to suit your audience’s requirements and interests to improve content readability.

You may measure your posts’ performance against industry benchmarks using the Post Inspector function, too. Also, you can compare your articles to others in the same sector using this tool. As it provides a framework for assessing success and identifying areas for improvement.

Using the engagement trends feature in LinkedIn Post Inspector; you can also monitor post performance. Identify notable patterns or trends in audience engagement too. This data enables you to make data-driven decisions to increase interaction and improve user experience. Discovering the optimal times to reach the audience and optimize the publishing schedule.

LinkedIn users that wish to optimize their content strategy and increase the effectiveness of their posts can benefit from using LinkedIn Post Inspector. This tool enables users to make data-driven decisions, improve their strategy, and have more success with their LinkedIn posts by offering in-depth statistics, audience demographics, benchmark comparisons, and interaction patterns.

Why Monitor Post Performance?

Analyzing post success on LinkedIn is crucial for individuals and organizations. This helps them understand the effectiveness of their content strategy, make data-driven decisions, and achieve their objectives on the platform.

Let’s expand upon the reasons behind analyzing before posting anything on your LinkedIn profile.

Assess Interaction:

Post-performance analysis enables you to gauge the degree of interaction your material receives. Views, likes, comments, and shares are engagement metrics that provide you with important information about how effectively your postings connect with your audience.

By keeping an eye on these numbers, you may determine the content categories that garner the most interaction and imitate their success in upcoming postings. Tracking engagement also enables you to evaluate the success of your calls-to-action, headlines, and images, allowing you to improve your strategy and increase engagement.

Refine Content Strategy:

You may concentrate your efforts on producing more of the material that your audience considers valuable by identifying the sorts of content that perform well. To determine what connects best with your audience, try out several forms, subjects, and strategies. Iterative analysis improves content strategy, resulting in higher-quality pieces and more engaged readers.

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Discovering Consumer Tastes:

It is wise to grasp your audience’s preferences by examining post-performance data. Job titles, industries, and geographic areas are examples of demographic data that might provide light on your audience’s makeup.

You may use this information to better personalize your content to the interests, requirements, and goals of your audience. You may produce more relevant and intriguing content that connects with your audience by knowing their preferences, which will enhance engagement and connection.

Inform Strategy and Decision-Making:

The analysis offers insightful information that can help you in making decisions about your entire LinkedIn strategy. You may choose the kind of content to produce, the platforms to use, and the target demographic to concentrate on by learning what works and what doesn’t. These analytics also aid in efficient resource allocation, marketing effort optimization, and LinkedIn target achievement.

Benchmark Performance:

LinkedIn offers benchmarking information that enables you to contrast the success of your posts with those of your sector. This function offers insightful information and data on how your content performs in comparison to others in your sector.

Benchmarking helps evaluate strengths, identify areas for development, and set realistic objectives for LinkedIn presence. Additionally, it makes it possible for you to keep up with best practices and industry developments, keeping you competitive and current in your area.

Streamline Your Posting Routine:

By tracking the success of your posts over time, you may spot patterns and trends in the interaction of your audience. You may arrange your posts for optimum impact by being aware of when your audience is most receptive and engaged.

Posting at the proper times increases the likelihood that your audience will view, share, and engage with your material, which ultimately leads to greater outcomes. Data-driven scheduling increases the likelihood that your content will be seen and shared by reaching your audience when they are most responsive and focused.

Analyzing post performance on LinkedIn is crucial for individuals and organizations to assess content strategy, understand the audience, improve plans, and achieve LinkedIn goals. This analysis enables content optimization, improved audience engagement, and enhanced platform outcomes.

How to Use LinkedIn Post Inspector (Step-by-step)

Nothing is worse than posting a post and then seeing errors, an incorrect picture thumbnail, or incorrect preview text while it is already receiving comments☹️. You may create preview posts with the Post Inspector to make sure everything appears presentable and appropriate.

When posting links on LinkedIn, accurate content previews can be generated. This comprises the post title, the metadata, and the preview picture linked to your link.

Here are the steps you may follow:

  • Click Inspect after entering any link URL in the box.
  • Then, a full breakdown of your post-share preview will be shown to you down to the section level.

There are 3 mantras for you to use the tool:

  • Discover (If there are any missing pieces of information in your post, you should optimize it and fix it so that LinkedIn users see the right preview text.)
  • Refresh (The information LinkedIn has about your website by re-crawling it for fresh metadata following an update to your content.)
  • Debug (By comprehending how LinkedIn pulls your material’s information, you may address any flaws your content may have.)

To correct the link preview using OG tags, you need to ensure that you include the proper Open Graph (OG) tags in the HTML metadata of the website you are connecting to. When you post your material on social networking sites like LinkedIn, OG tags provide structured data that creates a detailed and accurate link preview. Here is a step-by-step tutorial on utilizing OG tags to improve the link preview:

  • In order to improve the link preview, you should actively find and change or add the OG tags that are necessary. A link preview normally needs the following OG tags: ‘og: title’, ‘og: description’, ‘og: image’, and ‘og:url’.
  • The <head> section may be found in the HTML code of the web page you wish to publish. Add OG Tags to it. Add the proper OG tags within the <head> tags.
  • Put the precise title, description, picture URL, and web page URL appropriate to your material in lieu of the placeholder values.
  • To verify the OG tags, they recommend to actively using the Facebook Sharing Debugger found at Then enter the URL of the problematic web page and select “Debug.” This tool will fetch the OG tags from your website and display any issues or warnings. Address any problems accordingly.
  • You might need to do this if you’ve already shared the link, but the wrong preview is still showing. Enter the URL on LinkedIn’s “Post” creation page and hit “Attach.” 

By including the proper OG tags in the HTML metadata of your web page and ensuring their accuracy, you can actively control and tailor the link preview shown when you post your material on LinkedIn.

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It’s important to keep in mind specific standards and restrictions while optimizing the link preview on LinkedIn in relation to the meta title, picture size, and description length. Observe the following advice:

Meta Title:

The primary title displayed in the link preview is the meta title. LinkedIn advises keeping the meta title around 70 characters to ensure that there is full display. A succinct and compelling title can encourage visitors to follow the link and interact with your content.

Image Size:

The picture that appears in the link preview should be eye-catching and pertinent to your article. LinkedIn advises utilizing photos with a minimum of 120 pixels in width and 120 pixels in height. To ensure the best possible image quality, they advise to use photos with a higher resolution. Use photos with a 1.91:1 aspect ratio, such as 1200×627 pixels, for the best effects.

Image file size:

LinkedIn has a maximum file size restriction for photos used as link previews. The suggested upper limit for picture files is 5 MB. You can compress your picture files without compromising their quality to reduce their size and improve loading speed.

Length of Description:

The description gives users a quick summary of the material and has a big influence on how engaged the audience is. For the description, LinkedIn allows up to 200 characters. It’s crucial to write a succinct, engaging, and informative description that captures the core of your material and tempts visitors to click on the link for more details.

If you make an effort to implement these suggestions in your platform activities, you will accomplish your goals. Here are a few bonus tips that should help you improve on your posts further.

  • Check out how your link will look on LinkedIn before sharing it. To ensure that the meta title, image, and description display correctly, you can use tools such as the LinkedIn Post Inspector or other social media debugging tools to view the link preview and verify its accuracy. This enables you to edit as necessary and enhance the link preview before distributing it to your audience.
  • Pay special attention to producing meaningful, high-quality material that connects with your target audience in addition to the technical components. Create a statement that clearly conveys the advantages and applicability of your information. 
  • Draw attention to important details or distinctive features that set your material apart. Users are more likely to notice and follow a link that has engaging and informative information.

Keep in mind that the platform and policies of LinkedIn may change over time. It’s important to constantly consult LinkedIn’s official documentation or developer resources for the most recent details on character restrictions, picture dimensions, and link preview best practices.

You may optimize your link previews on LinkedIn to draw attention, deliver helpful material, and compel readers to interact with your content.

Final Words!

LinkedIn has become more than just a professional networking platform which features professional profiles and company pages. It has become a knowledge and thought leadership hub as well.

From LinkedIn Learning to informative posts, there is a variety of content to be found. However, prior to posting content creators need to be meticulous about the presentation of the same.

The LinkedIn Post Inspector is a valuable tool for LinkedIn users to improve the link preview of articles. By leveraging this tool, you can gather performance data, understand your audience, benchmark against industry standards, and track engagement patterns. To utilize the Post Inspector effectively, you should include relevant Open Graph (OG) tags in your webpage’s HTML metadata.

By optimizing key elements such as meta titles, image size, and description length, you can customize and enhance your link previews on LinkedIn. Utilizing Post Inspector enables users to enhance the visual appeal, accuracy, and engagement potential of the link previews, leading to increased exposure, click-through rates, and overall success on the platform.

Next up, learn how to use LinkedIn groups to move from novice to networking ninja!

This article was reviewed by Joy Bhamre
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